Pete Farn - Schwebewald

Pete Farn - Schwebewald

14,90 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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SynGate CD-R PF10
Schwebewald ist das erste Album des neuen Sublabels "syngate luna"

Ein Werk aus einer anderen Welt, voller mystischer Geräusche und Klänge aus einem Tropenwald eines fernen Planeten. Kopfhörer auf und eintauchen in eine fremde Welt!

Review von Dave Law (MusicZeit):

Pete Farn has always been a fascinating Electronic Musician, constantly experimenting with sound and sculpting it into strange and wonderful sonic worlds. ‘Schwebewald- Biospheres Vol 1’ should be liked by fans of traditional ambient but it goes to realms and delves deeper than most such artists explore. The images that came to my mind were those of a tropical rainforest onboard a spaceship out in the deepest darkest coldest regions of space (think of the film ‘Silent Running’- remember that one?). Of course it will mean something different to everyone listening to it.

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