E-Tiefengrund - Voltage Sessions

E-Tiefengrund - Voltage Sessions

14,90 €
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SynGate CD-R TI01
veröffentlicht 2013

E-Tiefengrund ist das elektronische Projekt von Tiefengrund aka Silvia & MIchael Kempe

Voltage Sessions sind Live Jam Sessions im Tiefengrund- Studio mit vorwiegend analogen modularen Synthesizern.

Die Aufnahmen geschehen absolut live, ohne Overdubs mit ausschließlich analogen 8 bzw. 16 Step analogen Sequenzern, gemixt wird von Mick in Echtzeit während der Session.

Das Ergebnis ist eine Stereo-Spur, die natürlich nur noch gemastert werden kann.

Selbstverständlich gehen den Aufnahmen viele Tage der Entwicklung voraus, die Sythie-Klänge werden geschraubt, Sequenzen programmiert, der Mix geprobt, Solothemen grob probiert, Drumsounds kreiert und und und...

Vergleichen könnte man das mit der Vorbereitung einer Reise, eine Reise in ferne unbekannte Länder, man plant den groben Ablauf, das Ende ist aber offen, der Weg ist das Ziel.

So wissen wir auch nie, wo die Reise hingeht, schon ab dem ersten Ton lassen wir uns einfach nur noch tragen, von den Klängen, alles geschieht intuitiv, Geplantes wird fallengelassen, neue Klänge spontan geschraubt, hier einmal transponiert, dort ein kleines Solo improvisiert, die eine Sequenz tritt zurück, um Platz zu machen für die andere, das Mischpult als Dirigent für die Maschinen, alles ist Spannung (Voltage).

Review von Dave Law, MusicZeit:
(Übersetzung K.Schloemp-Uelhoff)
...Hard Core der Berliner Schule und auch auf SynGate ist "Voltage Sessions" von E-Tiefengrund. Dort sind vier Longtracks zu finden, die mittels analoger Synthies und Sequenzen wundervolle vielschichtige Muster professionell miteinander verweben und verschmelzen, wobei die Länge der Stücke reichlich Raum für effektive und originelle Improvisationen geben. Die Melodien entwickeln sich verhalten aber pointiert im Hintergrund wobei die Sequenzen unüberhörbar und herausragend den roten Faden bilden. Ein absoluter Gewinner!

Ein Presseartikel der "Aachener Nachrichten" ist hier zu finden.

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Review von Sylvain Lupari (Synths&Sequences):

SynGate | CD-R T101 (CD-r 70:44) ****½

Twisted sound filaments escape from the cables of the synth beast, molding a dialogue of extraterrestrials of which the hoarse and threatening voices are floating more that they speak. A fine line of sequences gets out from there. It aligns its jumping keys in a slow circular rhythm of which the upward curve rises and comes down with fine variances in the rhythm and especially in the melody. Some sober and robotics electronic percussions stimulate the imperfect schema of "Early Fluctuations". The knocks are curt and frank. They gnash as much that they resound on a structure of rhythm which widens its fine stroboscopic strip and gets through a thick cloud of electronic tones which chirp under the romantic breaths of a synth and of its solos to the soft perfume of cosmic breezes. The brain is conquered while the ears ask for more of it. And there will be again. More than 70 minutes of sound delight where one would believe to be in the borders of Software, period Electronic-Universe and of Richard Pinhas (Heldon) on his splendid L'Éthique. Everything is there. The tones of a cosmos filled by some eclectic cracklings as well as the sequences and their shadows which pill up into rhythms with the variances so soft than their melodies to timbres of ice. These minimalist and circular rhythms swirl with slight limps which roam in their imperfect circles, dancing in some magnetising ritornellos under delicate synths with lunar and morphic solos which sing and float of their holds as much hypnotic as the rhythms. Silvie von Tiefengrund and Mick von Tiefengrund bring us where Mergener&Weisser had forgotten us. And nevertheless … Recorded live, in a one track way with no overdubs, in the studio of E-Tiefengrund, “Voltage Sessions” is monumental. Not because of its strength but of its delicate subtlety in its minimalist rhythms and harmonies. We are witness of the construction, phases by phases, of 4 long tracks which are alike, except for "Power Station", but from whom the subtle variances make totally independent. It's the perfect album to depict the magic of the minimalist art in what the electronics has of more beautiful to offer; ambient rhythms surrounded by twisted solos of which the fine variations are real electronic carousels for ears. The intro of "Energy Bells" is forged on the same rules. The rhythm is slower and swirls on sequences to tones of lunar prisms which alternate and intertwine their rhythmic tones in a motionless ballet which lets itself flatter by an ingenious play of percussions among which the bass pulsations, the smothered yakking and the banging of carbon dioxide are weaving the rampart of a long sequenced anaconda which waves in the cosmic plains under a synth and its raging solos. Magnetic, the rhythm is changing of skin as of tone, kissing the quintessence of the minimalist electronic art while, heavier and freer of its undisciplined keys, "Power Station" is rebelling constantly against this minimalist envelope which chews a more linear structure. Older twin brother of "Early Fluctuations", "Synthetic Vitality" is the most beautiful track of “Voltage Sessions”. The rhythm is always so Teutonic. Sober and very mathematical, it pounds on buzzing pulsations and percussions always so symmetric. The beauty is this string of sequences which agglutinate themselves in this lunar procession, shaping tens of young steps which trample on their heels and of which the only outcome remains a superb harmonic envelope which unscrews the brain. The synths are as much sober as the percussions. Nevertheless they have their biggest importance by weaving discreet harmonies, which fit to the fine variances of the morphic rhythm, and dreamy solos which can't repress this absolute certainty that Richard Pinhas' hypnotic sequences in L'Éthique has largely influenced E-Tiefengrund. I may be wrong, but the resemblance is such as … Minimalist rhythms with morphic stroboscopic structures, simplistic and attractive percussions and electronic melodies like the first works of Kraftwerk and some cosmic storms à la Software, “Voltage Sessions” from E-Tiefengrund is simply charming! It's a pure breath of freshness which reminds us the beautiful years of the analog movements where the simplicity had as much charm as the works forged in the labyrinths of the dishevelled structures where very often melodies got lost in the quest of an absolute creativity. It's a superb album that I devoured from start to end, saying that the simple things are often part of the most beautiful ones. If you are looking for these hypnotic corridors forgotten in L'Éthique and Electronic-Universe, I strongly recommend you this “Voltage Sessions”. Sylvain Lupari (July 21st,2013)